HGCal Test Beam  03a93d6239a951948e06fb3ef8dae4cbdebfad30
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HGCal Test Beam Documentation

Table of Contents

Download instructions: Instructions

Input files:

Pedestals and ADCtoGeV should be provided for both high gain ADC and low gain ADC in the format of the above .txt file in lines 38-41 of Reco/plugins/HGCalTBRecHitProducer.cc Now only pedestals for high gain is available. Default values if files are not provided are:

Run, event, time stamp information has been added to edm::event and can be accessed directly per event.

Reconstruction sequence

The reconstruction sequences are defined in StandardSequences/python

The Raw Data files: Can be found in /afs/cern.ch/user/r/rchatter/public in folders: Electron_Runs_2932016, Electron_Runs_3032016 , Electron_Runs_3132016, Proton_Runs_0142016, Electron_Runs_0142016, Proton_Runs_0242016, Proton_Runs_0442016. The run information can be found on elog http://cmsonline.cern.ch/portal/page/portal/CMS%20online%20system/Elog?_piref815_429145_815_429142_429142.strutsAction=%2FviewSubcatMessages.do%3FcatId%3D592%26subId%3D17%26page%3D1 . Please note that the folder names are a little misleading and the beam type should currently be read off from the elog. These files will be made available on CERN eos soon and a message posted on hn.

Running the DQM plotting

Currently the DQM worflow kicks in post the creation of Digis and also after the creation of RecHits.

On executing:

cmsRun test_cfg.py

a root file test_output.root is produced. This file has two directories namely

In the Digi->DQM workflow the following histograms may be found:

In the RecHits->DQM workflow the following histograms may be found:

Coordinate system

Git instructions: GIT SHORT instructions

To be updated:

test recHits