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Class HGCalCondObjectTextIO
load and store are HGCalCondObjectContainer not templated.... so now takes only floats!!!
Member HGCalTBNumberingScheme::denseIndexFor (uint32_t rawDetId, uint64_t scheme) const
need documentation!!!
Member HGCalTBRawToDigi::beginJob ()
this should be done by an ESProducer
Member HGCalTBRawToDigi::produce (edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
Exception if 0????
Class HGCalTBRecHit
fix the energy threshold for low gain saturation in a different way: now it's hardcoded
Member HGCalTBRecHitProducer::produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)

check if reading the conditions from file some channels are not in the file!

use time calibration!

define an algorithm for the energy if more than 1 sample, code inefficient

Class HGCalTBTextSource

replace c-like scanf with c++ versions

change run and fed IDs (now are hardcoded)

Member HGCalTBTextSource::HGCalTBTextSource (const edm::ParameterSet &pset, edm::InputSourceDescription const &desc)
check and read from file?