HGCal Test Beam  03a93d6239a951948e06fb3ef8dae4cbdebfad30
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A simple standalone simulator (a revamped version of the code developed by Anne-Marie Magnan), whicn is intended for quick approximate studies. For sophisticated studies use the CMSSW test beam simulator.

The code has been tested with CMSSW_8_0_6, slc6_amd64_gcc530, running within a CERNVM virtual machine on a mac. It should work on lxplus and cmslpc-sl6.


```linux cd CMSSW_8_0_6/src git clone https://github.com/CMS-HGCAL/TestBeam.git HGCal cd HGCal/TBStandaloneSimulator cmsenv scram b ```

Running the simulator

The simulator is called simulateTB. To simulate a couple of 32 GeV electron events, do ```linux simulateTB geometry_1layer.py withvis.mac ``` which creates the files ```linux PFcal.root g4_00.wrl g4_01.wrl ``` The Root file contains the results of the simulation, while the second and third files contain graphical data that can be rendered using a VRML browser, such as freewrl.

To simulate 1000 32 GeV electrons events (without visualization) for a 1-layer detector (like that investigated in the March 2016 test beam) do ```linux simulateTB geometry_1layer.py gun.mac ``` which creates the file ```linux PFcal.root ```

Running producer (to create SKIROC2DataFrames)

```linux cd test cmsRun produceSKIROCCollection_cfg.py ``` This reads the sim file ```linux PFcal.root ``` and creates and saves SKIROC dataframe objects to edm::Events. You should see the output file ```linux HGC_Electrons_32GeV_2016_04_sim.root ``` which can be analyzed in the same way as real test beam data.

If digitized events with noise are required, first create a noise file from a pedestal run as in the following example ```linux writePedestal.py HGC_Pedestals_2016_04_8272.root ``` This will create the files ```linux HGC_Pedestals_2016_04_8272_Noise.root HGC_Pedestals_2016_04_8272.txt ``` The first is a root file containing the noise to be added to the simulated digitized hits and the second is a text file containing the pedestals. In order to activate the noise model during digitization, create the file noise_filelist, which should contain the file name of the root file containing the noise data, ```linux echo HGC_Pedestals_2016_04_8272_Noise.root > noise_filelist ``` then do ```linux cmsRun produceSKIROCCollection_cfg.py ```