HGCal Test Beam  03a93d6239a951948e06fb3ef8dae4cbdebfad30
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A simple event display for the HGCal test beam experiments. The display has been tested with CMSSW_8_0_6, slc6_amd64_gcc530, running within a CERNVM virtual machine on a Mac. It should work on lxplus and cmslpc-sl6.


```linux git clone https://github.com/CMS-HGCAL/TestBeam.git HGCal cd HGCal cmsenv scram b ```

To Run

Once the cmsenv has been executed, it is possible to run TBEventDisplay.py from any directory as follows ```linux TBEventDisplay.py <geometry-file> <root-file-name> ``` where the geometry file is of the same format as that used in TBStandaloneSimulator and the Root file is a file containing test beam digitized objects (SKIROC data frames).